The Circuit Breaker Pattern will typically send an error response when it is in the open state . This means that the circuit breaker has detected too many failures in the underlying service or resource, and instead of trying to call it repeatedly (which could lead to further failures or resource exhaustion), it immediately returns an error. This helps protect the system from cascading failures. Key Points: Closed State: When all calls are successful, the circuit is closed and calls go through normally. Open State: If the error threshold is exceeded, the circuit opens, and all calls are immediately rejected with an error response without attempting to call the service. Half-Open State: After a cooling period, the circuit breaker allows a limited number of test calls. If these succeed, it closes the circuit; if they fail, it reopens it. In summary, the circuit breaker sends an error response when it is in the open state because it has determined that the underlying serv...
Deploying Microservices API using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that simplifies deploying, managing, and scaling microservices. 🚀 Step-by-Step Guide to Deploy Microservices on AKS We will deploy a .NET 8 microservices-based API on AKS using Azure Container Registry (ACR) and Kubernetes manifests . 1️⃣ Prerequisites ✅ Azure Subscription ✅ Azure CLI installed ( az ) ✅ Docker installed ✅ kubectl installed ( az aks install-cli ) ✅ .NET 8 installed 2️⃣ Build and Containerize Your .NET API Create a Dockerfile for your microservice (e.g., OrderService ). 📌 Dockerfile # Use the official .NET runtime as the base image FROM AS base WORKDIR /app EXPOSE 80 # Build the application FROM AS build WORKDIR /src COPY ["OrderService/OrderService.csproj", "OrderService/"] RUN dotnet restore "OrderService/OrderService.csproj...