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Flutter Commands List


Command to check flutter version:

D:\>flutter --version


Flutter 1.20.4 • channel unknown • unknown source

Framework • revision fba99f6cf9 (3 months ago) • 2020-09-14 15:32:52 -0700

Engine • revision d1bc06f032

Tools • Dart 2.9.2

 To generate an app bundle, run:

        flutter build appbundle --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64

        Learn more on: 

    To split the APKs per ABI, run:

        flutter build apk --target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64 --split-per-abi

        Learn more on:  

Resolve Conflicts: 

flutter packages pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

Here is some useful command List:  run flutter help <command>  to get command related information

Command Name




flutter analyze -d <DEVICE_ID>

Analyzes the project’s Dart source code.

Use instead of dartanalyzer.


flutter assemble -o <DIRECTORY>

Assemble and build flutter resources.


flutter attach -d <DEVICE_ID>

Attach to a running application.


flutter bash-completion

Output command line shell completion setup scripts.


flutter build <DIRECTORY>

Flutter build commands.


flutter channel <CHANNEL_NAME>

List or switch flutter channels.


flutter config --build-dir=<DIRECTORY>

Configure Flutter settings. To remove a setting, configure it to an empty string.


flutter create <DIRECTORY>

Creates a new project.


flutter devices -d <DEVICE_ID>

List all connected devices.


flutter doctor

Show information about the installed tooling.


flutter downgrade

Downgrade Flutter to the last active version for the current channel.


flutter drive

Runs Flutter Driver tests for the current project.


flutter emulators

List, launch and create emulators.


flutter format <DART_FILE>

Format one or more dart files.


flutter gen-l10n <DIRECTORY>

Generate localizations for the Flutter project.


flutter install -d <DEVICE_ID>

Install a Flutter app on an attached device.


flutter logs

Show log output for running Flutter apps.


flutter format <DIRECTORY|DART_FILE>

Formats Flutter source code.

Use instead of dartfmt.


flutter precache <ARGUMENTS>

Populates the Flutter tool’s cache of binary artifacts.


flutter pub <PUB_COMMAND>

Works with packages.

Use instead of pub.


flutter run <DART_FILE>

Runs a Flutter program.


flutter symbolize --input=<STACK_TRACK_FILE>

Symbolize a stack trace from the AOT compiled flutter application.


flutter test [<DIRECTORY|DART_FILE>]

Runs tests in this package.

Use instead of pub run test.


flutter upgrade

Upgrade your copy of Flutter.


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