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FREE ASP.NET CORE (.NET 6.0) Hosting on AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Today I was able to host my 6.0  + ANGULAR 14 application  on AWS Free 

Initial Setup of your AWS Account and your Computer

Get ready with your core 3.1 /.net 6 application

Install  "AWS toolkit for visual studio 2022" as  visual studio extensions :

 it will be required to deploy smoothly from Visual Studio 2022 itself, your life will be easy.

AWS toolkit for visual studio 2022

Let's finish the AWS account setup 

Get signed up with: its free but it will be required a valid credit card or debit card, they will charge nothing for the free services for 1 year*

AWS console  for services and offering

Create a user in AWS Console:  IAM

With the help of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you can control who or what has access to the services and resources offered by AWS, centrally manage fine-grained permissions, and adjust permissions across AWS by examining access patterns. read more here

Create a user in AWS Console:  IAM

Users need the following  "AdministratorAccess" permissions,

Users need the following  "AdministratorAccess" permissions,

Click on the "Security Credentials Tab" and generate credentials. keep both the key and secrete secure

Connect visual studio code to AWS and ec2

next step go to your computer and follow the directory on the window path: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\

create a file named "credentials" without any extension.


here who the credentials file looks like, read more here .

here who credentials file looks like

Deployment in AWS ec2 t2.micro free tier after 12 months

you know need to create before deployment, you can do the same thing with the visual studio itself

Your visual studio will be connected with the AWS credential that we have set up in previous steps.

  • In Solution Explorer, right-click your application and then select Publish to AWS Beanstalk.
  • In the Publish to AWS wizard, enter your account information.
  • For an AWS account to use for deployment, select your account or select Other to enter new account information.
  • For Region, select the region where you want to deploy your application. For information about available AWS Regions, see AWS Elastic Beanstalk Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference. If you select a region not supported by Elastic Beanstalk, then the option to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk will become unavailable.

Elastic Beanstalk

Next: Fill up the Application Enfimorent details

application details

Next, fill up EC 2 instance details which are t2.micro for FREE tiers, you take have the same thing as given in the screenshot below.

Next fillup EC 2 instance details wich is t2.micro for FREE tiers

Next, it will create some Permission, you can have the default one.

Next, it will create some Permission, you can have the default one.

Next Application Options, select Release|Any CPU under Project Build configurations

Framework, which suitable for your .net Application

make sure to tick the "Build self-contained deployment bundler" checkbox. as given below.

Application Options

On Success Full Deployment

success full

Now got AWS under Elasticbeans talk

you will see a running service take elastic beanstalk, below highlighted URL, and ready to serve. 

elastic beanstalk , below highlighted URL

Next Tutorial, Custom Domain Setup with Free SSL on AWS


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